Hi, everyone. I have a 100% scientist who is using his joint appointment at a local university to process an NSF grant application. The award will remain at the university as we are not eligible for NSF funds since we're a national laboratory. He wants to put down cost-shared effort on the application. Under U.S. Dept of Energy regulations (which governs us), an employee is not permitted to cost share.
Question: If the PI wants to put down unreimbursed effort on the award held by the local university, how do we manage his effort here at the lab? My first inclination is that he would have to reduce his effort here in order to keep his total effort to 100%. In speaking with our lawyers, the PI learned that what he does at the other institution has nothing to do with us.
The project will take place 100% at our facility. Is the lawyer's interpretation correct? It just doesn't sit well with me....
thanks for your input.
Kristina Duryea
Departmental Grants Administrator
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Biology Department, Bldg. 463
Upton, NY 11973-5000
631-344-7850 voice
631-344-6398 fax
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