Inter departmental consulting and extra compensation Mike Gilles 10 Aug 2006 09:44 EST

OMB circular A-21, section 10d(1) addresses the issue of faculty
compensation in excess of 100% effort.  Near the end of that section it
states: However, in unusual cases where consultation is across
departmental lines or involves separate or remote operation, and the
work performed by consultant is in addition to his regular departmental
load, any charges for such work representing extra compensation above
base salary are allowable provided that such consulting arrangements are
specifically provided for in the agreement or approved in writing from
the sponsoring agency.

There are two issues here; one, can a faculty member be paid more than
100% of his salary under any circumstances and; two, can a faculty
member who is consulting "across departmental lines" as stated in 10d(1)
be paid for that consulting at a rate higher than a rate calculated on
his base rate?  Namely can he be paid a reasonable consulting rate,
which may very well be above his normal salary?

And lastly is this a completely different issue during the summer
(non-academic) time?  Can he/she be paid in excess of an already full
summer supported salary based on his/her academic base salary.


Michael P. Gilles
Assistant Director
Research & Sponsored Programs
Michigan Technological University
1400 Townsend Drive
Houghton, MI 49931
Ph: 906-487-2225 Fx: 906-487-2245

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