Re: InfoEd implementation Strasma, James 05 Aug 2006 08:29 EST

Good morning from the University of Illinois
Here are current numbers for our installation of InfoEd PT that may

Regular (potentially-concurrent) users of the system 264

Of those, 127 are departmental (as opposed to central office)

Initially, we went live with only central office users.
We've been adding volunteer departmental admin users for a year now.

Persons with names in the database 7,547

Proposals in the database 21,255

Of these:
8,455 are from the initial data load of all awarded proposals in FY04
6.171 are from FY05
6.019 are from FY06
610 are from FY07

Primary Associated Departments associated with proposals in the database

Our system went live 7/1/2004, so this is for all awarded proposals at
that time, plus all new proposals since.

-Jim S.

Jim Strasma, UI InfoEd Systems Manager,

-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [] On
Behalf Of Susan B Burke
Sent: Saturday, August 05, 2006 12:33 AM
Subject: [RESADM-L] InfoEd implementation

Could any of you who have implemented or are implementing InfoEd's PD
and PT give me an idea of the ratio of faculty, department
administrators, and grants administrators to your maximum number of
concurrent users on the database?  We're trying to determine how many
concurrent users we can have in the system (cost issue) and were
if there is some sort of trend or formula, like total faculty divided by
and add grants administrators, or number of departments times 5 plus
grants administrators or something.

Your help, as always, is much appreciated.


Susan Burke
Projects Officer
NYU Office of Sponsored Programs
15 Washington Place, 1-H
New York, NY 10003

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