Re: Program Reports by PI and Localized Business Managers Zoya Hamilton 23 Jun 2006 08:45 EST

We do not attempt to collect copies of the progress reports. Instead, we
require PI's to fill out and sign a section of the internal close out
form to certify that they have submitted all required reports, other
than financial.

Zoya Hamilton
Associate Director
of Research and Sponsored Programs
University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
Mail Slot 4978
1200 North University Drive
Pine Bluff, AR 71601
tel. (870) 575-8076
fax (870) 575-4672

>>> xxxxxx@GEORGIASOUTHERN.EDU 06/22/06 1:41 PM >>>
Two quick questions:

Generally, do you require/expect PIs to supply the research office
copies of interim and final reports to sponsors?  Do you keep these in

Wondering how many instituitions have established business manager
positions in colleges/schools to maintain better budetary controls?

I guess that's really three questions....but it's almost Friday!



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