Re: Question re: Public University Systems
Carlson, Claire 22 Jun 2006 14:34 EST
The state universities in Montana are all part of the Montana State
University System. We have a Commissioner of Higher Education and Board
of Regents that oversees all the institutions in the system. Each
institution has its own President, FEIN and DUNS number. Each campus
signs their contracts using their individual campus name, i.e., we use
"The University of Montana -- Missoula."
Claire L. Carlson
Associate Vice President for Research
The University of Montana
Research and Sponsored Programs
University Hall 202
MIssoula, Montana 59812-4104
Phone (406) 243-5796
Fax (406) 243-5739
-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [] On
Behalf Of Barbara Gray
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2006 12:27 PM
Subject: [RESADM-L] Question re: Public University Systems
I'm looking for information from states that organize higher education
we do in Nevada. Here, all the public universities and community
colleges are part of the Nevada System of Higher Education which has a
Board of Regents and Chancellor for the System and Presidents at the
individual institutions. We must sign our contracts as "The Board of
Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education on behalf of (instution
name)." The various instutions all use the same FEIN (NSHE's) but we
have different DUNS numbers. If your state higher ed system is
similarly structured, I would like to know how your FEIN(s) and DUNS
Barbara H. Gray
Director of Sponsored Research
Desert Research Institute
2215 Raggio Parkway
Reno, Nevada 89512-1095
Telephone: 775-673-7381
Fax: 775-673-7459
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