Each of the 20 or so federal agencies that have adopted the common rule has issued its own set of regulations articulating the CR. So, while many of us are funded by HHS and cite 45CFR46, it is would be politic to cite those regs that are specific to your own funding agency.
Also, be careful about research with subjects who are not covered by 45CFR46 Subpart A. Thus, if your research involves children or prisoners, which are covered in other subparts of 45CFR46, you have to look to your funding agency for specific guidance.
Robert S Bienkowski, PhD
-------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Teryl Grosz <xxxxxx@NDSU.EDU>
> Maybe there are other references to 'Common Rule', but in the IRB world it
> is the regulations pertaining to the protection of human research subjects,
> 45CFR46, subpart A.
> Teri Grosz, MS, CIP
> IRB Director
> North Dakota State University
> Fargo, ND 58105
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