Re: Awarding funds Maggie Griscavage 19 May 2006 12:03 EST
For our campus, I don't allow setup of any awards that need compliance
approval and don't yet have it. No protocol number, no account. This
position lends itself to getting protocols applied for with some
alacrity and due diligence!

For your second question, our pre-award office has a proposal routing
form that lists any special compliance approvals and they discuss this
up-front with the PI. If it's JIT, then the pre-award office and the PI
work together to get that done. I still won't set up any award access
until I see that number...

Maggie Griscavage
Director, Grant and Contract Services
University of Alaska Fairbanks

Tracy Arwood wrote:
> I am interested to see how many Sponsored Programs offices award funds
> prior to compliance approval (IRB, IACUC, IBC, etc.).  If so, how are
> you tracking those awards to ensure approval is obtained?  What
> action, if any, is taken is approval is not obtained within a timely
> manner?
> If compliance approval is required prior to awarding funds, how and
> when is this requirement communicated to the PI?
> Thanks in advance.
> Tracy S. Arwood
> Director
> Office of Research Compliance
> Clemson University
> 223 Brackett Hall
> Clemson, SC 29634-5704
> Phone - 864-656-1525
> Fax - 864-656-4475
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