Re: Grants.Gov Applications and PIs Mauneel Desai 29 Mar 2006 11:50 EST

Please send the requests directly to my e-mail address at
and not to the list. Most people are sending the requests directly to me but
few requests are coming to the listserv.

PS: After hitting "REPLY" button, in the To: field, remove the listserv's
e-mail and put my e-mail address.

Thank you.

- Mauneel

-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [mailto:xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG] On Behalf Of
Beryline Temples
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 10:09 AM
To: xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] Grants.Gov Applications and PIs

We would also like a copy of your report.

Beryline Temples
Electronic Research Specialist
Sponsored Programs Office
201 Donaghey Avenue
Torreyson Library 308
Conway, AR 72035-0001
phone:  (501) 450-3451
fax:  (501) 450-5339

>>> xxxxxx@UIC.EDU 3/28/2006 3:57 PM >>>
Before a month ago, I had asked a question on this listserv about how
different universities handle communication with their respective PIs in
regards to receiving Grants.Gov applications. Several university
representatives responded and I thank everyone for their responses. Several
people also asked me if I could send them a report, summarizing the
responses and also what we were planning to do at UIC. I will send a
detailed report as an attachment to everyone who requested it.

Here at UIC, our ultimate goal is a system-to-system interface. Currently we
are looking at several options but the one which I have narrowed down to is
a product called Webdisk. Webdisk is a WebDAV (Web Distributed Authoring and
Versioning) system developed by Blackboard (
<> ). In simple terms, a WebDAV system allows you
store, manage, share and control files over the web in a secure environment.
It acts as a central repository for files/document storage.

I don't see e-mail or a listserv as the best method for sending
applications especially when the deadline is in the next hour. We already
had a few bad experiences and that prompted me to look into other options.
The good thing is that our university already has a license for Blackboard
and Webdisk. Also the interface of WebDisk is similar to blackboard which
our faculty uses extensively.

I will put more details in the report.

Thanks again for everyone's responses.

Mauneel D Desai
Research Specialist, Information Systems
Project Coordinator, RiSC
Team Leader
Office of Vice Chancellor for Research
University of Illinois @ Chicago
Ph: (312) 413 - 7713

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