NRSA F33 application questions Amy L. Taylor 20 Mar 2006 19:53 EST

We have been contacted  by a candidate who is preparing an F33 application for
submission 4/6/06.  He will take a sabbatical from his home institution, in order to pursue the research training here at the University of Washington, where his sponsor/mentor is located. His sponsor/mentor must sign the application and develop the training plan, but there seems to be some question as to which institution should sign the face page - the home insitution or the one where the F33 will take place?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Amy L. Taylor
Grants Manager
Department of Genome Sciences
University of Washington
1705 NE Pacific Street,  K-353B
Seattle, WA  98195-7730
Office: 206-616-7823
Fax: 206-685-7301

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