AREA Grant Application Albertha Barrett 08 Mar 2006 10:19 EST

Good Morning All:

Well it looks as if we were the last to get our AREA grant application out of limbo.  Like many of the other comments to the listserv, our error message related to our indirect cost rate. We originally submitted the application on February 27 and after 9 resubmissions, following step by step instructions from the Commons Help Desk, late last evening we finally received a warning which allowed the application to be accepted by NIH.

Thanks to all who sent comments because for a moment we thought we were the only one getting the error message.  After trying for over a week to submit this one proposal, I can only hope NIH has resolved all their problems.


Albertha W. Barrett
Assistant V. P. for Research
Director, Research and Awards Administration
Georgia State University
G-76 Alumni Hall
Atlanta, GA  30303-3999
Phone:  404-651-4354
Fx:         404-651-4436

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