DOE app on Diane Schmitz 06 Mar 2006 15:40 EST

Hi all --

I'm helping prepare an application to the Department of Energy via, due 3/21. While I've submitted a handful of applications
through, this one is giving me heartburn.

Our PI is collaborating with another institution. The other instiution's
PI will be the lead, and my faculty member will be co-PI. The guidelines
say that each collaborator must submit a separate application, but they
don't address how we indicate this is a collaboration or how DOE will
link our two applications. The budget pages have checkboxes for primes
and subawardees/collaborators, but don't define their terms or indicate
whether we include the other university's budget. Of course I'll also
email the program officer and helpdesk but I thought y'all could lend
your insights as well.

Ventingly yours,

Diane M. Schmitz
Assistant Director, Pre-Award Administration
Grant & Research Development
Eastern Washington University
Cheney WA 99004-2444
Phone:  (509) 359-2517	* Fax:  (509) 359-6693

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 -Serbian proverb

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