Re: FW: Resubmitting corrected AREA grant applications to Grants.go Elizabeth C. Lieberman 28 Feb 2006 13:16 EST

Research Administration Discussion List <xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG> on Tuesday,
February 28, 2006 at 12:41 PM -0500 wrote:
>I have another question:  We're getting two copies of all the NIH support
>e-mails . . . is everyone getting two?  Same yesterday on HRSA.  Is that
>a glitch in the PHS server, or do I need to check with my folks?  All
>other messages are coming in singly.

If I'm remembering correctly, my messages from have all
come in duplicate, but I got only one copy of those from  I decided that was the least of my problems and just
deleted the duplicates.  I suppose NIH might want to investigate why two
get generated and sent.

Liz Lieberman
Director, Office of Sponsored Research
Assistant Dean of the College
Wellesley College
106 Central Street
Wellesley, MA 02481-8203
Phone: (781) 283-3587;  Fax: (781) 283-3695

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