Re: DOE Office of Science SciDAC proposals Robert Beattie 28 Feb 2006 12:52 EST

How do you convert the whole PureEdge application file into a
single .pdf file?  This is the step we have been missing when trying
to view and sometimes print a PureEdge file.

While the granting agency can certainly "call the tune" and make the
applicants do pretty much what they want, this extra request seems to
violate the spirit of the Single Portal concept.  I hope
all who must do this will send a message to OMB complaining of the
extra work being requested in the time of streamlining.


On Feb 28, 2006, at 12:41 PM, Brenda L Dias wrote:

We are submitting proposals for the "Scientific Discovery through
Computing" funding opportunity DE-FG02-06ER06-04.  In addition to
submission through, applicants are required to send an e-mail
containing the entire application as a single pdf file to a specified
e-mail address.  Our first attempt at this has failed due to the size of
the file.  Our IT person had predicted this would be a problem, as "you
can't zip a pdf".  Has anyone successfully submitted the application
package via e-mail?  Any suggestions/advice would be appreciated.  The
deadline is March 6.  Thanks,

Brenda Dias, CRA
Sr. Grant & Contract Administrator
Old Dominion University Research Foundation
PO Box 6369, Norfolk, VA  23508
Phone (757) 683-4293  ext. 612
Fax (757) 683-5290

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