Re: Non university co-pi Marianne Achenbach 16 Feb 2006 16:43 EST

The recent notice on Establishment of Multiple Principal Investigator
Awards for the Support of Team Science Projects discusses a federal-wide
policy to allow formally more than one PI on individual research awards.
Here are the relevant links


At 03:41 PM 2/16/2006, you wrote:
>In this day of collaboration we have had several lead PIs ask to have
>persons at other universities listed as a co-pi on their projects - rather
>than subcontracting work out to that person.  Does anyone allow
>this.  Does anyone have an opinion of the pitfalls or benefits of allowing
>Janet Goucher
>Assistant Director of Research
>Illinois State University
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Marianne Achenbach
Executive Director
Office of Research Support Services
University of Pennsylvania
School of Medicine
270 Anatomy Chemistry Building
36th Street & Hamilton Walk
Philadelphia, PA  19104
215-573-8798 (voice)
215-573-8802  (fax)

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