Re: Why The List is the Way It Is... Lee Mcdaid 15 Feb 2006 07:48 EST

Let me add my appreciation for the list and the way it's run.  Yes, I too
get alot of email (some junk, too), but I'd rather weed out what I don't
want than to not have that choice.  The list and the questions/information
generated benefit most of us who wonder what is happening at other
institutions and how things are being handled.  It also should provide us a
way of sharing resources with our peers (policies, procedures, training,
etc).  In this economy, not everyone at every institution has the
opportunity to attend SRA or NCURA conferences and this is their only
interaction with their peers at other schools.  So, I say "bring on the

Thanks, Mike


Lee Gayle McDaid, MS
Associate Director, Research Services
Office of Research Administration
Thomas Jefferson University

"Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten.
B. F. Skinner, New Scientist, May 21, 1964

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike L. Varney" <xxxxxx@HEALTHRESEARCH.ORG>
To: <xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG>
Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 4:20 PM
Subject: [RESADM-L] Why The List is the Way It Is...

> There's been lots of discussion on RESADM-L in the last week or two
> regarding all the details of running RESADM-L and the prospects of moving
> to a Google Group.  I'd like to address a couple of the comments made.
> First, whomever was saying that you can't search RESADM-L's archives just
> isn't reading the tagline at the bottom of EVERY list message for the last
> 3 years or so... <grin>  RESADM-L has always been searchable even back in
> the days it as hosted on a mainframe.  In fact, when I implemented the
> web-based interface to the listserv, I was able to import all the archives
> from the mainframe; so, when you do like the tag says and go to
>, you can search all the way back to when Liz ran the
> list in the early 90's.  The fact that people re-ask common questions is
> just due to human nature; it has nothing to do with the availability of
> search.  In fact, many people (especially in this industry) will
> INTENTIONALLY ask the same questions again in case there's been a
> or rule change.
> Next... regarding the aspect of a "private" versus a "public" list.
> RESADM-L is a "public" list, meaning that anyone can add themselves to the
> list at any time.  While you would think that would open the list up to
> Spam, surprisingly it doesn't - - the fact that the ListServ requires a
> confirmation ("ok") email from the user foils all the spam senders out
> there.  Keeping the list as a "public" list allows us to facilitate as
> people to come onto and off the list as possible.  Given the lists's
> it's in our best interest to have as many industry-related users out there
> as possible in one forum.
> There was a comment out there about the "vacation" messages sent to
> who sends something to the list.  There's a reason for that too.  A few
> years back a new standard for Internet Email came out (one of those
> annoying RFCs) which said that all Internet email should use a proper

 Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
 subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available
 via our web site at (click on "Listserv Lists")