Here. Here.
... just a suggestion to those who get too many of these in your in-box... Outlook (if you have it and I'm sure it is on all the other mail programs out there) has the ability to take email received from someone xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG or with [RESADM-L] in the subject line and put them in a folder. I typically peruse them over lunch (since I'm at my desk anyway) or between tasks... as a one person office, I need that "water cooler" time...
You're great, Mr. Varney!
Jeanne Ware
New College of Florida
From: Research Administration List on behalf of Peterson, Nancy K
Sent: Tue 2/14/2006 5:18 PM
To: xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG
Subject: [RESADM-L] Reasadm Forever
Don't change a thing about resadm. It works fine.
Kudos to Mike Varney and all his hard work. He deserves a medal.
Nancy Kay Peterson, Director
Grants & Sponsored Projects
Somsen Hall 212-A
Winona State University
Winona, MN 55987
Phone: 507.457.5519
FAX: 507.457.5586
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