Re: doing a quick very unofficial tally of effort reporting
Rashonda Jefferson 04 Jan 2006 13:42 EST
We do ours quarterly.
Rashonda Jefferson-Harris
Grants & Contracts Coordinator
Albert Einstein Healthcare Network
Office of Research and Technology Development
5501 Old York Road
Korman Research Bldg, Rm 100
Philadelphia, PA 19141
Phone: (215) 456-7218
Fax (215) 456-8122
>>> xxxxxx@HURONCONSULTINGGROUP.COM 1/4/2006 1:10:55 PM >>>
Good afternoon to everyone. Can you take a minute to tell me how often
your have your faculty/employees certifiy their effort? Each month? Each
semester? Twice a year? On an annual basis? Some other timeframe?
I will be glad to take the emails personally, compile the results and
email the results to the listserv. Please include the name of your
institution and whether you are private or public. Thanks for all
willing to help in this unofficial tally! I plan to tally the responses
over the weekend.
Celia Gravely
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