Re: off campus research centers Jennifer Shambrook 23 Sep 2005 08:55 EST

The wiggle room is intentional so that each institution can apply their own policies.  The main thing is to be consistent.  If you charge one grant for something, you have to apply that same type charge to the others.

I would suggest that YOU draw up a guideline you would like to apply to your unit, citing Exhibit C, and run it past your primary funding agency and whoever is throwing up the roadblock at your institution.  As long as you apply the guideline consistently to all grants AND it's within the broad parameters of what's allowable under Exhibit C, you should be okay as far as the feds are concerned.  Whether or not the bureaucrats at your institution will go along with it is another thing.  Some folks are insistant on erring way to one side on the side of the stricted interpretation.  Of course, they are concerned about auditors, not how you can actually get the scope of work done to include the allowable costs that would normally be treated as F&A.

To get past that hurdle, do what you can to soothe their shaky nerves about the auditors... by establishing a written guideline, quoting regs, and then adhering to it consistently.

Just a suggestion...

>>> xxxxxx@VIRGINIA.EDU 09/23/05 09:10AM >>>
Thanks, it is Exhibit C to which I was referring when I asked about
interpretation of these guidelines.  The examples seem to leave a lot of
wriggle room.  Approximately 1/3 of our funding comes from a single federal
contract, but the rest of our funding comes from about 30 -40 different
contracts of varying sizes and from varying sources - both federal and
industry.  We do charge the off-campus F&A rate.  I was hoping another
institution had a similarly structured off-campus research center that has
faced this issue.



From: Youngers, Jane A []
Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2005 5:26 PM
Subject: RE: [RESADM-L] off campus research centers


Terri is correct.  But the other issue is one of allocability; if your
center has many awards, it would be very hard to allocate administrative
salaries among them all.  It's different if there were one or two.  So your
OSP may be bringing up allocation issues.  Just a thought.


Jane A. Youngers

Assistant Vice President for Research

Office of Sponsored Programs

The University of Texas Health Science Center

 at San Antonio

7703 Floyd Curl Drive

San Antonio TX  78229-3900

telephone 210.567.2333

fax 210.567.2344

-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [mailto:xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG] On Behalf Of
Terri Hall
Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2005 3:51 PM
To: xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] off campus research centers


See A-21's Section J - Exhibit C for examples when "direct charging of
administrative or clerical staff salaries may be appropriate."


Terri M. Hall
Associate Director of Sponsored Programs (eRA)
Office of Research * University of Notre Dame
511 Main Building * Notre Dame, Indiana 46556
Phn: (574) 631-7378  Fax: (574) 631-6630
~ an FDP institution ~

----- Original Message -----

From: Linda Callihan <mailto:xxxxxx@VIRGINIA.EDU>

To: xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG

Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2005 2:06 PM

Subject: [RESADM-L] off campus research centers

Does anyone have any insight into or experience with interpreting the
guidelines in OMB Circular A-21 on exceptions to the CAS regulations for
charging administrative personnel as direct costs when the research is
conducted at an off-campus facility?  I know that sounds like a mouthful,
but I'm getting conflicting messages from our Office of Sponsored Programs
on this and am wondering if other institutions have similar research centers
at off campus locations and they are able to support administrative staff
from their federal research grants and contracts.



Linda H. Callihan

Center for Applied Biomechanics

University of Virginia

1011 Linden Ave
Charlottesville, VA 22902-6241

ph: 434 296-7288 ext. 142

fax: 434 296-3453


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