Re: Negotiated F&A Cost Rate - Research versus Instruction
Kim Dunbrook-Babbie 22 Aug 2005 11:38 EST
We are having the same problem and are scrambling to obtain the
information necessary to determine how to negotiate a non-research
indirect rate for our service grants through HRSA. We are attempting to
get some more information on how insitutions go through this process.
Kim Babbie
Albany Medical Center
>>> xxxxxx@MARQUETTE.EDU 08/12/2005 5:14:09 PM >>>
Our rate agreement (negotiated with HRSA) states that our on and
off-campus rates apply to Organized Research. I expect that several
other institutions are in the same boat: they have no negotiated rate
for Instruction.
What rate does your institution charge on Instruction grants in cases
where the sponsor does not stipulate a rate (e.g. ED at 8%)? I'm not
talking here about training projects that use research facilities. Do
you use your Organized Research rate? As it happens, we charged and
were awarded our negotiated (Organized Research) rate in an
grant. We (and apparently the sponsor) assumed that since we only had
one rate, that's the one we should charge.
Erik A. Thelen, Ph.D.
Executive Director, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
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