Bad debt collection Martha Taylor 22 Aug 2005 11:41 EST

Do any universities have policies and procedures related to bad debt
collection on sponsored projects that they will share?  I am ok with
cruising websites if you just want to reference that.  Also, do you make
a distinction between bad debt on the part of a sponsor and "default"
(i.e. delinquent reports, incomplete SOW) of your investigators?  Do you
perform any kind of risk assessment before entering into a sponsored
agreement with a private company?  Who is responsible for covering the
bills when a company declares bankruptcy?

Just a few questions for consideration.  I have a meeting with our
Dean's to discuss later this week and they often want to know how other
universities handle the same problem.  Thanks in advance for any
information you can provide.

Martha M. Taylor
Assistant Vice President for Research
310 Samford Hall
Auburn University, Alabama 36849-5131
334-844-5953 (fax)

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