Indirect Cost Consultants/Sample RFPs Barbara Gray 05 Aug 2005 18:21 EST

Hello, everyone,
We are beginning the process of renegotiating our indirect cost rate at
Desert Research Institute.  I have been tasked with identifying possible
consultants to provide some oversight during our development of the rate
proposal and to possibly assist us with the actual negotiation with the
feds.  I have four firms on my list so far (Bearing Point, Huron,
Maximus, PWC).  If you can recommend others, especially those that might
be west coast based, I would appreciate it.  I'm also looking for
samples of an RFP Scope of Work for this type of consulting assignment
in hopes that I won't have to reinvent the wheel.  As always, many thanks.

Barbara Gray
Director of Sponsored Research
Desert Research Institute
2215 Raggio Parkway
Reno, Nevada  89512-1095
Telephone:  775-673-7381
Fax:  775-673-7459

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