Re: Central Contractor Registry Information Beck, Ellen 03 Aug 2005 13:57 EST


The CCR registration contains three components -- Government Business POC,
Past Performance POC, and Electronic Business POC -- where a primary and
alternate can be designated.  According to the CCR web site, the EB POC is
the person responsible for authorizing individual personnel access into
government electronic business systems (e.g., Electronic Document Access
(EDA), Wide Area Workflow (WAWF)).  The EB POC is also responsible for
maintaining the CCR "Marketing Partner ID" or "MPIN".

Use of the CCR registration as an institutional validation - specifically
having the EB POC for an institution be the primary point person responsible
for management aspects of some federal online systems - has expanded to
non-financial agency systems such as, NASA's NSPIRES, and the
Online Representations and Certifications Application (ORCA) system.  While
it is true that for the NASA system, some delegation (such as account
activation/application submissions in NSPIRES) can be done to definitely
lessen the burden for the EB POC, does indicate that the EB POC,
using the MPIN, is the sole authority to designate which institutional staff
are allowed to submit applications electronically through  The
ORCA system contains a list of FAR clause reps and certs -- at the time of
proposal submission, if required, these reps and certs are to be reviewed.
Access is through a combination of DUNS and the use of the CCR MPIN:  for
institutions which may have more than one AOR reviewing submissions where
FAR clauses are involved, this may mean "passing" the MPIN around.

As a large institution, we've had to become more aware of the various ways
the CCR/EB POC/MPIN is being used.  As our campus primary EB POC and being
in the centralized research admin office, I've been a bit uncomfortable in
dealing with those online systems that are specifically financial.  We are
working on it though.

-- Ellen Beck

Ellen Beck, ERA Coordinator
Office of Research Administration
Phone:  (310) 794-0550
Fax:  (310) 794-0631
Web Site:

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