Re: Purchase Orders/Encumbrances Susan Meslang 28 Jul 2005 09:04 EST

In that case, I require the PI to get written confirmation from the
funding agent they they can use the funds for specific items.  Of
course, we always try to urge out PIs to spend their money early in the
budget year - as it is unreasonable to purchase most things as the
project draws to an end.  Recently, we were allowed to purchase a laptop
which would be available for student use in the library or tutoring lab.

Susan W. Meslang
Director of Grants and Sponsored  Programs
Tidewater Community College
500 East Main Street
Norfolk VA 23510
P.O. Box 9000
Norfolk VA 23509
Office 757 822-1773
Cell 757 409-2887
Fax 757 822-1007

>>> xxxxxx@HOTMAIL.COM 7/27/2005 6:54:37 PM >>>
As fate would have it, many PIs are not good money managers and as
such, they often find themselves with an abundance of unexpended direct
cost dollars that they have not requested (or not allowed to carry over)
that they will attempt to spend (one or two day) before  the end of the
budget period - and finance /accounting refuses to prcess the order.

What is your insitutions policies regarding the timely submission of
purchase orders in similar situations?

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