Re: FAMRI contract language
Robyn Remotigue 22 Jun 2005 14:15 EST
Our institution received the same contract from FAMRI and they were
unwilling to negotiate or make changes to their language that we would
deem acceptable.
Robyn B. Remotigue, CRA
Office of Sponsored Programs
P.O. Box 6156
Mississippi State, MS 39762
133 Etheredge Hall
Hardy Road
Mississippi State, MS 39762
662.325.9133 FAX
>>> xxxxxx@UMICH.EDU 06/22/05 12:59 PM >>>
FAMRI (Flight Attendant Medical Research Institute) has revised their
clause "Funds from Tobacco-Related Entities" to read:
"The Principal Investigator and the Grantee Institution agree that it,
he or she, and any person who works on Principal Investigator's
research or administrative staff, and any affiliated contractors,
associates or agents, shall not accept any grant or other gifts of
value from any tobacco manufacturer, distributor, or other
tobacco-related entity. The Grantee Institution confirms that it does
not permit smoking within its Institution and it endorses smoke-free
The FAMRI cover letter also states: "FAMRI requires that all grantees
sign identical contracts without any modifying language."
If your institution has received a FAMRI agreement this year, please
contact me. I would like to know what, if any, changes you were able
to negotiate. So far, the only modification that they've agreed to is
to limit the restriction to the period of the grant.
Julie A. Feldkamp
Managing Project Representative
Division of Research Development & Administration
University of Michigan
1054 Wolverine Tower
3003 S. State Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1274
(734) 763-4522
(734) 764-8510 FAX
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