Arizona State University (ASU) - expanding sponsored research support Judy Harris 17 Jun 2005 12:15 EST

The Sponsored Research Office at ASU is expanded its sponsored projects
officer team by adding a new 100% FTE officer position.  The position
will report the central sponsored research administration office, but
the actual working location will be in a new state of the art research
facility, The Biodesign Institute at ASU.  For additional information on
the Biodesign Institute, check out this link

Please see the link below for information on the Sponsored Projects
Officer position we have available, and again please pass this
information on to anyone who might be interested.

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Thank you for your consideration.

Judy Harris, CRA
Assistant Director, Research Administration
Office for Research and Sponsored Projects Administration
Arizona State University
PO Box 873503
Tempe, AZ  85287-3503
480-965-1148 phone
480-965-2455 fax

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