Re: New NIH Modular Question
Susan Burke 27 May 2005 10:04 EST
We absolutely require a full, detailed budget for NIH (and all other)
proposals, even when the proposal goes forward with a modular budget.
PIs have come to understand that this is necessary so that: 1. we can
ensure that they have covered all of their costs and that all costs are
allowable; 2. when an award comes in, we can see that the account is
established properly; or 3. if the award is less than the request, we
can help them revise their budget and facilitate speedy account setup.
Susan B. Burke
Associate Director
NYU Office of Sponsored Programs
15 Washington Place, 1-H
New York, NY 10003
telephone: 212-998-2017
fax: 212-995-4029
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