The consortium F&A should be included with your total costs (7b and
Consuelo Brandeis
Assistant Coordinator
The University of Tennessee
Office of Research
1534 White Avenue
Knoxville, TN 37996-1529
Ph: 865/974-8394
Fax: 865/974-2805
>>> xxxxxx@USFCA.EDU 5/23/2005 1:32:03 PM >>>
I am passing this question on from a colleague at Seattle University:
Question re: NIH modular grant:
Now that the consortium F & A is separate from the direct costs on
budget justification page, where do we include the consortium F & A on
the cover sheet? Would it be included in the direct costs in 7a and
or would we include the consortium F & A in the total costs in 7b and
Thank you for your help!
Leesa Brown
Sponsored Research Officer
Seattle University
Pamela F. Miller, Ph.D.
Director, Office of Sponsored Projects
The University of San Francisco
2130 Fulton Street
San Francisco, CA 94117-1080
TEL 415-422-5368
FAX 415-422-6222
EMAIL xxxxxx@usfca.edu
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