Re: FRS and Effort Reporting
Ann McGuigan 08 Apr 2005 08:41 EST
At George Mason University, we are in the process of developing
electronic effort reports from Banner that are sent directly to the PI
for response. I also would be very curious to hear how other
institutions are handling the process.
Barbara Gray wrote:
> Our university is on SCT FRS. We are not using FRS/HRS to manage
> effort reporting. Instead, our sponsored programs office maintains an
> excel spreadsheet to track effort and to generate certification
> statements--and it's becoming a big drain on staff time. We believe
> that machines should be doing this work for us. If your institution
> uses SCT FRS and you have automated your effort reporting system,
> would you please identify yourself? I would like some examples to
> convince the powers that be that this can indeed be done and to
> identify some institutions that may be willing to share their
> expertise. Thanks!
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