Our university is on SCT FRS. We are not using FRS/HRS to manage effort
reporting. Instead, our sponsored programs office maintains an excel
spreadsheet to track effort and to generate certification
statements--and it's becoming a big drain on staff time. We believe
that machines should be doing this work for us. If your institution
uses SCT FRS and you have automated your effort reporting system, would
you please identify yourself? I would like some examples to convince
the powers that be that this can indeed be done and to identify some
institutions that may be willing to share their expertise.
Barbara H. Gray, Director
Office of Research & Grants Administration
College of Charleston
66 George Street
Charleston, SC 29424
Campus Location: 407-G Bell Bldg.
Office: 843.953.5673 Desk: 843.953.5885 Fax: 843.953.6577
e-mail: xxxxxx@cofc.edu URL: http://www.orga.cofc.edu/
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