Re: Individual fellowships - how do you handle them?
Dawn Underwood 29 Mar 2005 11:40 EST
Hi Terri,
At Indiana State, we require proof of funding (a copy of the check,
etc) in order to count it in our records. We have found it is important
for the PI to get credit for these activities. The accountants at ISU do
not included these awards in their records, so our numbers differ
At BSU, their database tracks 3 types of proposals: preliminary,
regular, and direct. They count these fundings if they have proof as
well. The post award office at BSU did count these fundings, but on a
separate line of the reports.
Hope this helps,
Dawn Underwood
Associate Director
Sponsored Programs
Indiana State University
Terre Haute, Indiana
>>> xxxxxx@ND.EDU 03/29/05 11:09 AM >>>
We're working on an NEH fellowship and wondering how these are handled
at other institutions.
Do PIs route them through your office as any regular proposal...or
since these awards are to the
individual rather than the institution...does your office not need to
know? Does not count in total proposals/awards?
Do you have a policy on individual fellowships that you'd be willing to
share? are indirect costs handled? We've received word from two
sources at NEH saying that:
1) no F&A is allowed
2) NEH is mute on the point...if institutions want to charge F&A on
these awards, it's between them and the PI but award limit is firm
Is it your policy to require any/all F&A that is allowed by the
sponsor? Or are these fellowships an exception?
As always, your input is greatly appreciated.
Terri M. Hall
Associate Director of Sponsored Programs (eRA)
Office of Research * University of Notre Dame
511 Main Building * Notre Dame, Indiana 46556
Phn: (574) 631-7378 Fax: (574) 631-6630
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