Indirect Rate Changes Sarah Wassum 02 Mar 2005 10:28 EST

Hello all-

We've got a question that we're hoping for some input on-  Our indirect
rate has recently changed from a salaries and wages base to MTDC.   Could
anyone share their experiences with us about how multi-year awards that
were proposed with the S&W base were handled when the new funding arrived
after the indirect base had changed?    Did you keep the rate proposed for
the life of the grant or did you renegotiate as the new award came in?  Are
there any other situations that you encountered as a result of the change
in base that would be helpful for us to know about as we move forward?
Please feel free to contact us off-line at  (That's
the director's email.)

Thanks for any help you can give us.

Sarah Wassum
American University
Office of Sponsored Programs

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