Re: Institution signatory authority and electronic submission of proposals Terri Hall 25 Feb 2005 10:32 EST

Here is my list of sponsors that allow electronic submissions without
institutional approval:
- DOD's NRO and SPAWAR programs
- Alzheimer's Assn
- American Cancer Society
- American Heart Assn (but if awarded, PI must get approval within 90 days)
- American Lung Assn
- Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation
- Council for the International Exchange of Scholars (CIES)
- Gates Fdn/NIH Global Health Grand Challenge Prgm
If there are'd be great to find out now rather than after a
faculty member has
submitted something.

"One can never consent to creep when one feels
an impulse to soar." -- Helen Keller
Terri M. Hall
Associate Director of Sponsored Programs (eRA)
Office of Research
University of Notre Dame
(574) 631-7378   Fax: (574) 631-6630

----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Beattie" <xxxxxx@UMICH.EDU>
To: <xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG>
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2005 6:09 PM
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] Institution signatory authority and electronic
submission of proposals

> We typically view "submitting" as no different from "mailing."  Both
> are forms of "sending."  All proposals must be approved by chairs,
> deans and the grants office (DRDA) prior to a PI/staff sending a
> proposal to a sponsor.  Then the PI can "push the button."
>   Does anyone allow the PI/staff to mail a proposal?  Probably only if
> approved.
> We try to get access to the electronic version and execute some sort of
> electronic approval so we get the exact copy.  I like to ask the
> sponsor staff if they will make the grant payment directly to the PI if
> they allow the PI to submit without appropriate approvals.  Many
> agencies are catching on to the role of the grants office and I see
> fewer agencies allowing direct approval without some indication of
> central university approvals.
> Who are still the worse offenders of this?
> Bob
> __________________________________
> Robert Beattie
> Managing Senior Project Representative
>     for Electronic Research Administration
> Division of Research Development and Administration
> University of Michigan
> 3003 S. State Street   Ann Arbor, MI  48109-1274
> office: 734 936-1283    mobile: 734 717-6281
> On Feb 24, 2005, at 4:40 PM, Laurie Chamness wrote:
> Many electronic proposal application systems do not differentiate
> between the submitting official and the signing official. What is the
> policy at your institution regarding who has the authority in your
> Sponsored Programs office to submit an electronic application? Do you
> allow only persons with formal institution signatory authority to
> submit applications electronically?
> Laurie
> --
> Laurie Chamness
> Assistant Director
> Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
> Medical University of South Carolina
> PO Box 250808
> Charleston, SC  29425
> Ph (843) 792-3832
> Fax (843) 792-6447
> E-Mail:
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