Re: Institution signatory authority and electronicsubmission of proposals Linda Campbell 24 Feb 2005 17:03 EST

Hi Laurie,

Santa Clara University's policy is exactly the same as St. John's.

Best wishes,

Linda Campbell

>>> xxxxxx@MUSC.EDU 2/24/2005 1:40:33 PM >>>
Many electronic proposal application systems do not differentiate
between the submitting official and the signing official. What is the
policy at your institution regarding who has the authority in your
Sponsored Programs office to submit an electronic application? Do you
allow only persons with formal institution signatory authority to
applications electronically?


Laurie Chamness
Assistant Director
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
Medical University of South Carolina
PO Box 250808
Charleston, SC  29425

Ph (843) 792-3832
Fax (843) 792-6447

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