Re: Evaluation instruments for pre-award offices Nonn, Lidia 21 Feb 2005 21:33 EST

Go Charlie!


From: Research Administration List on behalf of Charlie Hathaway
Sent: Mon 2/21/2005 5:19 PM
To: xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] Evaluation instruments for pre-award offices

Every year I am asked whether any of the grants received by the institution
were the result of my efforts.
I say, "All of them."


Quoting David Hollingsworth <xxxxxx@TAMU.EDU>:

> I am interested in hearing how pre-award office are evaluated.
> Do you send out surveys/questionnaires to your researchers?
> Have you had a more formal evaluation conducted?
> Internal or External evaluation?
> How have you evaluated your funding opportunity efforts?
> David Hollingsworth
> Director, Research Services
> Texas Engineering Experiment Station
> Phone:  979-845-1264
> Fax:  979-845-9643
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