Re: Space/Facility Assessment Robbie Lee 10 Feb 2005 14:57 EST
Dr. Tom Higerd, here at the Medical University of SC, has a space
database that he uses to calculate research dollars per square foot.  He
and a colleague from Clemson have also submitted a grant to NSF on the
subject.  You may want to contact him; I have copied him on this email
to let him know.  His email is

Pamela Tazik wrote:
> Greetings:
> Our institution will be conducting an assessment of space/facilities,
> with specific interest in space used for research activities
> (administrative, laboratory, clinical, etc.).   Any information you can
> share on this type of assessment/inventory (personal experience,
> documents/websites), would be appreciated.  I am interested in:
> *questionnaires/surveys used to gather information
> * process for verification of information provided (walk-throughs,
> other?)
> * software used to compile/analyze/track/report the data
> * qualitative information used in decision-making
> You may direct your responses to the list or to me.  Thanks...Pam
> Pamela Tazik
> Mgr., Grants & Contracts
> Office of Research
> Univ. of Mississippi Medical Center
> Phone 601/ 815-5007
> Fax  601/815-5010
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