Re: Rush/Last Minute Proposal Policies? Glenn Krell 02 Feb 2005 13:35 EST

This thread reminds me why this listserv is so valuable. The various
perspectives on this issue are priceless.

Years ago I worked at, let's call it, "NIH-West University By the Bay." PI's
were required to get a department chair signature and a dean's signature
before the proposal could go to the sponsored projects administration. The
dean's office was responsible for checking budgets for accuracy and some
other dept-level compliance items, but mainly budget. The SPA wanted
completed, ready to mail proposals including all the copies. So there was
more than one internal deadline for the PI's: the dept office, the dean's
office, and the SPA. PI's who flouted this system could send the proposal to
the SPA without a full dean's review, but the PI would have to present the
SPA with a "dean's waiver" memo, which was reported to something called a
"waiver committee." Two such infractions got the PI into some sort of
trouble with the dean--mainly the trouble was it did not reflect well on the
PI, but that was about it.

Later on I worked at "Crown Jewel of our Golden State" University. They had
a somewhat better way of handling it. Proposals were due at the SPA office a
day and a half before the FedEx truck arrived; the logic being that it's
pretty much physically impossible to review a research proposal in less than
a day and a half. Anyone who missed the "noon-the-day-before" deadline was
given a "disclaimer letter" to send to the sponsor, written by the SPA,
telling them that CJGSU was honored to submit this fine proposal but however
no one had had a chance to review it adequately and we reserved the right to
withdraw it if it didn't meet the high standards of CJGSU. Needless to say,
PIs were horrified at the thought of having such a letter on top of their
proposal! This tool seemed to work a bit better and I believe I saw only one
or two such letters in 4 years in a major department there.

There are probably any number of systems out there.  But as some have noted,
it's definitely the research that drives this bus, not the administration,
so good luck everyone!

Glenn Krell MPA, CRA
Director, Research Compliance
 and Proposal Development
Illinois Institute of Technology
3300 South Federal Street, M/B 301
Chicago, Illinois 60616
312-567-7141 (voice)
312-567-7517 (fax)
"Pull up your socks, pull up your pants, get in there and fight for your
federal grants!"

-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [mailto:xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG]On Behalf
Of Charlie Hathaway
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2005 4:25 PM
To: xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] Rush/Last Minute Proposal Policies?

If you can prove that late proposals are sloppier and poorer in quality AND
less competitive than those on time, then we all need to see this evidence.
I love to talk about planning and proofreading in grantsmanship talks but I
know that some people simply produce great proposals at the last minute.
Research came before research administration.  And the most important factor
in getting extramural funding is research, not the administration of it.  We
are up against a Goliath.  There is no hope.


At 04:57 PM 2/1/2005, you wrote:
>We are having the same problems - no matter the funding agent.  In the
>past everything was done to get a proposal submitted on time even when
>the PI submitted it very late - resulting in sloppy work, late hours
>etc.  We are eager to hear how others handle this.
>Susan W. Meslang
>Director of Grants and Sponsored  Programs
>Tidewater Community College
>121 College Place
>Norfolk, Virginia  23510-1907
>Office 757 822-1773
>Cell 757 409-2887
>Fax 757 822-1007
>>>> xxxxxx@UAF.EDU 1/25/2005 6:17:27 PM >>>
>Hello all,
>We're having a lot of trouble with rush and last minute proposals,
>especially for the NSF deadline that passed yesterday. Does anyone
>a good policy for dealing with these types of proposals, or does
>use any sort of incentive/penalty system if the proposal is on-time
>late? We are considering a small pool of money with a drawing per year
>for investigators that get their proposals in on time. Conversely,
>is serious talk from on high about charging the offending unit a fee
>the proposal is last minute. Obviously training will factor some into
>this situation as we implement our upcoming faculty training, but for
>now, we really feel the need to implement a policy that deals with
>proposals that don't follow our 5 business day rule. Any ideas
>Andrew Gray
>Andrew M. Gray, CRA - Senior Pre-Award Administrator
>UAF Office of Sponsored Programs
>909N Koyukuk Drive / P.O. Box 757270
>Suite 212F West Ridge Research Building
>Fairbanks, AK 99775-7270
>Phone:  (907) 474-1851
>Fax:    (907) 474-5444
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> subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available
> via our web site at (click on "Listserv Lists")
> Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
> subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available
> via our web site at (click on "Listserv Lists")

 Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
 subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available
 via our web site at (click on "Listserv Lists")

 Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
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