Title for Principal Investigators Brill, Linda 31 Jan 2005 11:31 EST

Our senior management staff is contemplating changing the titles for our Principal Investigators.  Since we are strictly a research organization, not an academic institution, traditionally the titles for our Principal Investigators at our organization have been "Senior Investigator", "Associate Investigator" or "Investigator".  Our senior management is contemplating changing titles of these individuals to "Professor" or "Assistant Professor" since they have some teaching/training responsibilities such as training medical residents, graduate students and summer interns (approximately 10% for some PIs).

May I have the opinions of others on this subject?  Do you see a problem with this change in titles?  Why or why not?  Thank you in advance for your replies.

Linda Brill, CPA, MBA
Associate Director of Finance
Lankenau Institute for Medical Research
100 Lancaster Avenue
Wynnewood, PA  19096
610-645-8299 (fax)

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