Re: Online faculty Conflict of Interest disclosure Systems Carolyn Schnall 10 Jan 2005 12:06 EST

Sorry, Alan, did not see your initial inquiry...

We have an on-line program based on the MIT model called
Coeus....feel free to contact me privately for further discussion.

Carolyn B. Schnall, M.A.
Conflicts Manager
Weill Medical College
of Cornell University
Tel:    212-821-0710
Fax:    212-821-0702

>To all RESADM-L'ers:
>I tried before the holidays and got practically no responses to this
>question.  So I am trying one more time.
>We are interested in possibly developing an online system to help
>faculty disclose potential conflicts of interest so that they may be
>effectively managed.  If your university is using a fully online system
>for faculty to report potential conflicts of interest between their
>university duties and their relationships with outside entities,
>especially where it relates to research activities, please let me know.
>We would like to fine model systems.
>Thank you,
>Alan A. Schreier PhD
>Director, Program Development
>   & Coordinator, University Compliance
>Division of Research and Graduate Studies
>East Carolina University
>Greenville Center, Rm. 1502
>Greenville NC 27858-4353
>Tel # 252-328-9470
>Fax# 252-328-2769
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>  subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available
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