Online faculty Conflict of Interest disclosure Systems Schreier, Alan 10 Jan 2005 10:15 EST

To all RESADM-L'ers:

I tried before the holidays and got practically no responses to this
question.  So I am trying one more time.

We are interested in possibly developing an online system to help
faculty disclose potential conflicts of interest so that they may be
effectively managed.  If your university is using a fully online system
for faculty to report potential conflicts of interest between their
university duties and their relationships with outside entities,
especially where it relates to research activities, please let me know.
We would like to fine model systems.

Thank you,
Alan A. Schreier PhD
Director, Program Development
 & Coordinator, University Compliance
Division of Research and Graduate Studies
East Carolina University
Greenville Center, Rm. 1502
Greenville NC 27858-4353
Tel # 252-328-9470
Fax# 252-328-2769

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