At ISU, the chair and vice chair receive a 25% time buyout for their
work. Last summer, when we went through policy revisions, we paid the
equivalent of a 3 hr course for their time to work on revisions. The
rest of the IRB members receive a nominal stipend (a couple hundred
dollars) for the AY.
Dawn Underwood
Associate Director
Sponsored Programs
Indiana State University
Terre Haute, Indiana
>>> xxxxxx@USM.MAINE.EDU 11/5/2004 8:28:44 AM >>>
We currently give a very small stipend to our IRB chairperson, one
I think is too small for the level of commitment and work required. We
also have other chairpersons - Animal Subjects, Bio-safety, etc. whose
commitment is somewhat less and who we do not compensate at all. So,
question is, do you compensate your chairpersons? And, if so, is the
compensation tied to some scale? Do you provide them with any release
time from courses? Thanks. Larry Waxler, Director
Office of Sponsored Programs
University of Southern Maine
P.O. Box 9300
Portland, ME 04104-9300
Telephone: 207-780-4413
Telefax: 207-780-4927
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