misconduct policy for community non-profit?
RESADM-L Member 11 Oct 2004 13:17 EST
My organization is a not-for-profit community hospital. We receive a modest
amount of federal grant funding for service projects (<$1 million annually).
I would not consider the projects to be research projects -- most grants are
projects to improve the health status of our community through services,
coalition development, education, etc.
We have recently been awarded a planning grant from AHRQ (to develop a plan
for implementation of an electronic medical record) and must assure our
compliance with the PHS misconduct policy. My question to the group: are
there other small, not-for-profit organizations among you who would be
willing to share a copy of your organization's policies and procedures for
compliance with 42 CFR 50 subpart A?
I am familiar with the regulations from a previous life in a university
sponsored programs office, but it is important to note that my present
organization is not university affiliated and would not be considered a
"research institution." We are also not a "small organization" in that we
have 1200 employees, mostly focused on clinical care. Also, please note that
we are not involved in conducting clinical trials.
Please reply to me directly (xxxxxx@sblhs.org). I suspect that the
responses are not of interest to the entire RESADM-L member list, but you
all are my best resource.
Molly Daniel
Grants Specialist
Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Center
1000 Health Center Drive
Mattoon, IL 61938
phone: 217-258-2195
fax: 217-258-4135
email: xxxxxx@sblhs.org
web: www.sarahbush.org
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