HRSA - Geriatric Academic Career Award - HRSA-04-042 - "K01"
Holland Carley 09 Sep 2004 15:25 EST
We have a PI who was awarded a HRSA - Geriatric Academic Career Award -
HRSA-04-042 - "K01". Per HRSA, this new "K" award, unlike NIH's, is granted
to the individual PI, not the Institution. However, the Institution is
required to agree to specific Terms and Conditions i.e. agree to employ the
applicant as a full-time faculty member for not less than the duration of
the award, provide appropriate office space, equipment, and the like. The
award is made to the individual, rather than the Institution i.e. deposited
directly into the PI's personal bank account. If you have or are
encountering this, how has your Institution addressed the financial
accounting associated with this award?
Thank you!
Holland Carley
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
Grants and Contracts Officer
701 20th Street South, AB 1170
Birmingham, AL 35294-0111
(205) 934-5266 - Main phone
(205) 996-2395 - Direct phone
(205) 975-5977 - Fax
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