Good morning everyone! This email is going out to multiple list-servs, so I apologize for duplicates. My questions are on Lobbying and the LLL form to be submitted to DHHS.
Under the signature of the PI, we requested our state representatives show support for our grant application to DHHS, which they kindly did.
The PI has 90% non federally funded time, so I'm not concerned about this having been paid by federal dollars.
How do I complete the LLL? In box 10a, are we the lobbying entity? In box 10b, is the PI the lobbying individual? Would this then require the PI to seperately submit lobbying information to the feds? And what about the amount of payment - do I apportion part of her non federally funded salary & benefits to this activity and indicate that amount in box 11?
Any assistance you can provide is greatly appreciated!
Linda Ward
Sr. Accountant
Research Administration 35-123A
Children's Hospitals and Clinics
2910 Centre Pointe Dr.
Roseville, MN 55113
651-855-2690 Fax
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