Re: F&A Rates for Non-Clinical Corporate Sponsors Alexia Lewis 21 Jul 2004 14:40 EST


Yes, we have a 25% TDC rate for clinical trials too. Our policy is here: - notice paragraph 3 in bold.

-Alexia Lewis
Sr. Grants Specialist
University of Florida
Office of Engineering Research
343 Weil Hall, Box 116550
Gainesville, FL 32611
Phone: 352-392-9448 ext. 4
Fax: 352-846-1371

At 03:00 PM 7/21/2004, you wrote:
>Our F&A Rates for clinical trials is a separate rate than that of
>non-clinical research sponsored by corporate sponsors.  For example, a
>clinical trial sponsored by Jansen is 25% TDC, but a non-clinical project
>is the full federal rate of 46%.
>Is this the practice at your institution?  I'm just trying to get a feel
>for how common this is.  I have a researcher that's pretty disgusted about
>our policy and I was curious if it's common or standard.  It's the first
>time I've run into it.
>Jennifer Morgan, MHA
>Vice Chair for Research Administration
>Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science
>Southern Section President
>Society of Research Administrators International
>Medical University of South Carolina
>67 President Street, Suite 504
>Charleston, South Carolina  29425
>voice:  843-792-0191
>fax:  843-792-0048

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