Re: Funding Services RFI? Joyce I. Witte-Wicklund 21 Jul 2004 14:15 EST

--On Wednesday, July 21, 2004 12:10 PM -0700 Sheryl Trexler
<xxxxxx@ASU.EDU> wrote:

> Hello,
> .  I am trying to gather information on how other institutions provide
> funding information services and would be glad to share the results of
> this survey with others.   Arizona State University is moving towards a
> web based self-serve approach and any information about experiences in
> this area would be helpful.  An overview of our current funding services
> setup is:
>             At Arizona State University 1 FTE is devoted to funding
> information services to faculty and staff including:    * daily
> monitoring; review and dissemination;
>   * matching faculty to programs;
>   * performing searches;
>   * providing training on funding resources;
>   * maintaining faculty profiles database;
>   * providing funding analysis reports for research topics;
>   * limited submissions
>             Additionally, .5 FTE is assigned to maintain, update, and
> publish news to the funding website.
> Specifically, I would like to know any of the following that you can
> share:
>   * Is there a person(s) in charge of funding information?
>   * How are new funding information opportunities discovered and
> disseminated to faculty and staff?
>   * Are web resources enough?  Do faculty use them?  How do you promote
> their use and/or provide assistance?
>   * Do you provide funding searches?  By whom?
>   * Is training provided to faculty or staff on using funding resources,
> i.e., IRIS, COS, SPIN, Federal Register,, etc., or how to find
> funding for projects?
>   * Approximate FTE's used for funding services?
>   * Other duties?
> Any comments or general information on how funding services are provided
> is helpful.  I appreciate your assistance and time in responding and let
> me know if you would like to see the compiled results.
> Have a great day,
> Sheryl
> Sheryl Trexler
> Funding Information Officer
> Office for Research & Sponsored Projects
> Arizona State University
> PO Box 873503
> Tempe, AZ  85287-3503
> 480-965-6793
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Joyce I. Witte-Wicklund, CPA,
Supervisor of Accounting
Contract & Grant Accounting
The University of New Mexico
Scholes Hall, RM 206
Albuquerque, NM  87131
505-277-4604, FAX 505-277-8567

 Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
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