July Reminder: Notices of Intent for SRA POSTERS Due Now Dr. Edward Gabriele 01 Jul 2004 13:37 EST

A reminder about Notices of Intent for POSTERS for the 2004 Symposium
at the Society of Research Administrators International Annual Meeting.

The deadline for Notice of Intent for posters is Friday, 13 August
2004. Early submission is preferable.

Submission is open to all research administrators and research
executives in any specialty. SRA membership is NOT required.

Posters are a valuable way to share knowledge and experience, as well
as test out new ideas through concept-presentations, case studies,
metrics of success, and challenges/lessons learned.

Submitting a Notice of Intent within an email text is all that is
needed for the first step!

What is needed?

Within the body of an email, send me:

a) Preliminary Title

b) Author list (no more than four) with institutional affiliation for

c) Summary: 3-4 sentence paragraph summarizing what is being proposed
and why it is of value for research administration.

Please send to me at xxxxxx@earthlink.net

Approved NOI's proceed to abstract submission immediately. Directions
are sent to approved authors.

Full directions and requirements for posters can be found at:

Best regards,
Dr. Edward F. Gabriele
Symposium Program Director and Chair
Special Assistant for Research Integrity and Ethics
 to the Navy Surgeon General &
Director, Office of Research Integrity and Ethics
Code M00RIE
Office of the Surgeon General of the Navy
Cell: (202) 445-0858
Email: xxxxxx@earthlink.net

 Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
 subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available
 via our web site at http://www.hrinet.org (click on "Listserv Lists")