COS, SPIN, or IRIS: If you could choose only one?
Vileisis, Dr. Birute 25 May 2004 13:37 EST
Dear RESADMers,
Faced with an ever-rising COS subscription rate, we are in a quandary whether to ditch it altogether and
switch to a more economical funding opportunities database. Any thoughts you'd like to share on the merits
of COS vs. SPIN vs. IRIS would be most welcome.
We are a mid-size, predominately undergraduate teaching institution with 350 faculty members and 5500
Many thanks.
Birute Anne Vileisis, Ph.D.
Associate Academic Vice President,
Academic Grants Office
Loyola Marymount University
One LMU Drive, University Hall, Suite 3025
Los Angeles, CA 90045-2659
Tel: 310/338-6004
Fax: 310/338-5193
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