Re: "Me too"'s on the list... Jean M. Murphy 13 May 2004 13:14 EST

 Thank you and I whole heartedly agree.  Plus, when replies go to the
list, those of us with less experience can learn answers to questions we
had not thought to ask ourselves.

Research Administration Discussion List <xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG> writes:
>In the grand scheme of things, having replies go to the list benefits us
>all as everyone can participate in discussion/debate.  Sure, a periodic
>personal reply hits the list, but in those rare cases we can all point,
>laugh, and get on with our work.
>-- Mike Varney / RESADM-L Administrator

Jean M. Murphy
Director of Pre-Award Services
Wellesley Centers for Women
E-mail:      Phone:  781-283-2508     Fax:

Wellesley College, Cheever House, 106 Central Street, Wellesley, MA  02481

 Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
 subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available
 via our web site at (click on "Listserv Lists")