Contract Work at Motorola (or similar industrial concerns) Gerald Goldberger 12 May 2004 15:59 EST


I am querying  institutions that have graduate student interns placed
(that is, working off-campus) at a Motorola facility near your campus.
 We have quite a few interns here at Florida Atlantic University and
have issues with Motorola over IP that may be developed by the students
during their internship at the Motorola facility.

My questions are:

1.  What IP language do you have in your agreements with Motorola
regarding this issue?
2.  What IP language do you have in your agreements with other
industrial concerns with respect to this same issue?
3.  In the absence of the above how do you think it should be handled?

Thanks very much for your help.




Gerald N. Goldberger, Ph.D                        (}__{)
Director, Sponsored Research                       (oo)
Florida Atlantic University              -----oOo--=\/=--oOo-----
3731 FAU Blvd
Boca Raton, FL 33431
561/297-2312 (O)
561/297-2319 (Fax)

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