Clarification on NIH terms to foreign institutions O'Brien, Maryellen 02 Mar 2004 13:27 EST

Thanks to all who have responded suggesting that I check the NIH GPG.  I did
check it and that's where my problem lies. They've added lots more and
haven't added exclusions for foreign inst.  And yet some of the policies
don't make sense if applied to foreign entitites.
So...I'm wondering if anyone has further information regarding the
application of all of the terms that do not exclude foreign inst.

Thanks again

Maryellen O'Brien
Assistant Director
Grant and Contract Administration
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
Rutgers University
Cook College
88 Lipman Drive, Room 125
New Brunswick, NJ  08901

Ph:   732-932-1000, Ext. 567
Fax:  732-932-8135

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